JUDICIARY Latest Features

Moroto & Kotido CM Courts Solar Power Restored
Solar panels installed on the moroto Court building roof

After over six months without reliable power, the solar systems at our Chief Magistrates Courts of Moroto and Kotido in north eastern Uganda have been restored.

"We had the solar system installed but our inverter collapsed over six months ago and we've been waiting for it to be fixed. It's now fixed and I do confirm that our systems are now up and running," said the Moroto Ag. Chief Magistrate,His Worship Charles Yeteise. 

Moroto is connected to the national power grid, but like most of the Karamoja areas,power goes off for over a week, and most institutions operating in the region resort to alternative power sources. Kotido is yet to be connected to the national grid. 

The outgoing Chief Magistrate, Her Worship Catherine Agwero (recently transferred to Masindi Chief Magistrates Court) also confirmed solar power restoration at the Kotido Court. 

"We received six new batteries and our systems are back on. Here, we fully rely on solar power. We can now use the computers and the lighting," she said.

Resources permitting, the Judiciary is committed to installing reliable power sources,especially the upcountry stations with power issues to enable the smooth roll out of courts' automation.

Posted 3rd, March 2017
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